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Migrating from dockershim

This section presents information you need to know when migrating from dockershim to other container runtimes.

Since the announcement of dockershim deprecation in Kubernetes 1.20, there were questions on how this will affect various workloads and Kubernetes installations. Our Dockershim Removal FAQ is there to help you to understand the problem better.

Dockershim will be removed from Kubernetes following the release of v1.24. If you use Docker via dockershim as your container runtime, and wish to upgrade to v1.24, it is recommended that you either migrate to another runtime or find an alternative means to obtain Docker Engine support. If you're not sure whether you are using Docker, find out what container runtime is used on a node.

Your cluster might have more than one kind of node, although this is not a common configuration.

These tasks will help you to migrate:

What's next

  • Check out container runtimes to understand your options for a container runtime.
  • There is a GitHub issue to track discussion about the deprecation and removal of dockershim.
  • If you found a defect or other technical concern relating to migrating away from dockershim, you can report an issue to the Kubernetes project.

1 - Changing the Container Runtime on a Node from Docker Engine to containerd

This task outlines the steps needed to update your container runtime to containerd from Docker. It is applicable for cluster operators running Kubernetes 1.23 or earlier. Also this covers an example scenario for migrating from dockershim to containerd and alternative container runtimes can be picked from this page.

Before you begin

Install containerd. For more information see containerd's installation documentation and for specific prerequisite follow the containerd guide.

Drain the node

kubectl drain <node-to-drain> --ignore-daemonsets

Replace <node-to-drain> with the name of your node you are draining.

Stop the Docker daemon

systemctl stop kubelet
systemctl disable docker.service --now

Install Containerd

Follow the guide for detailed steps to install containerd.

  1. Install the package from the official Docker repositories. Instructions for setting up the Docker repository for your respective Linux distribution and installing the package can be found at Install Docker Engine.

  2. Configure containerd:

    sudo mkdir -p /etc/containerd
    containerd config default | sudo tee /etc/containerd/config.toml
  3. Restart containerd:

    sudo systemctl restart containerd

Start a Powershell session, set $Version to the desired version (ex: $Version="1.4.3"), and then run the following commands:

  1. Download containerd:

    curl.exe -L$Version/containerd-$Version-windows-amd64.tar.gz -o containerd-windows-amd64.tar.gz
    tar.exe xvf .\containerd-windows-amd64.tar.gz
  2. Extract and configure:

    Copy-Item -Path ".\bin\" -Destination "$Env:ProgramFiles\containerd" -Recurse -Force
    cd $Env:ProgramFiles\containerd\
    .\containerd.exe config default | Out-File config.toml -Encoding ascii
    # Review the configuration. Depending on setup you may want to adjust:
    # - the sandbox_image (Kubernetes pause image)
    # - cni bin_dir and conf_dir locations
    Get-Content config.toml
    # (Optional - but highly recommended) Exclude containerd from Windows Defender Scans
    Add-MpPreference -ExclusionProcess "$Env:ProgramFiles\containerd\containerd.exe"
  3. Start containerd:

    .\containerd.exe --register-service
    Start-Service containerd

Configure the kubelet to use containerd as its container runtime

Edit the file /var/lib/kubelet/kubeadm-flags.env and add the containerd runtime to the flags. --container-runtime=remote and --container-runtime-endpoint=unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock".

Users using kubeadm should be aware that the kubeadm tool stores the CRI socket for each host as an annotation in the Node object for that host. To change it you can execute the following command on a machine that has the kubeadm /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf file.

kubectl edit no <node-name>

This will start a text editor where you can edit the Node object. To choose a text editor you can set the KUBE_EDITOR environment variable.

  • Change the value of from /var/run/dockershim.sock to the CRI socket path of your choice (for example unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock).

    Note that new CRI socket paths must be prefixed with unix:// ideally.

  • Save the changes in the text editor, which will update the Node object.

Restart the kubelet

systemctl start kubelet

Verify that the node is healthy

Run kubectl get nodes -o wide and containerd appears as the runtime for the node we just changed.

Remove Docker Engine

Finally if everything goes well, remove Docker.

sudo yum remove docker-ce docker-ce-cli

sudo apt-get purge docker-ce docker-ce-cli

sudo dnf remove docker-ce docker-ce-cli

sudo apt-get purge docker-ce docker-ce-cli

2 - Migrate Docker Engine nodes from dockershim to cri-dockerd

This page shows you how to migrate your Docker Engine nodes to use cri-dockerd instead of dockershim. Follow these steps if your clusters run Kubernetes 1.23 or earlier and you want to continue using Docker Engine after you upgrade to Kubernetes 1.24 and later, or if you just want to move off the dockershim component.

What is cri-dockerd?

In Kubernetes 1.23 and earlier, Docker Engine used a component called the dockershim to interact with Kubernetes system components such as the kubelet. The dockershim component is deprecated and will be removed in Kubernetes 1.24. A third-party replacement, cri-dockerd, is available. The cri-dockerd adapter lets you use Docker Engine through the Container Runtime Interface.

If you want to migrate to cri-dockerd so that you can continue using Docker Engine as your container runtime, you should do the following for each affected node:

  1. Install cri-dockerd.
  2. Cordon and drain the node.
  3. Configure the kubelet to use cri-dockerd.
  4. Restart the kubelet.
  5. Verify that the node is healthy.

Test the migration on non-critical nodes first.

You should perform the following steps for each node that you want to migrate to cri-dockerd.

Before you begin

Cordon and drain the node

  1. Cordon the node to stop new Pods scheduling on it:

    kubectl cordon <NODE_NAME>

    Replace <NODE_NAME> with the name of the node.

  2. Drain the node to safely evict running Pods:

    kubectl drain <NODE_NAME> \

Configure the kubelet to use cri-dockerd

The following steps apply to clusters set up using the kubeadm tool. If you use a different tool, you should modify the kubelet using the configuration instructions for that tool.

  1. Open /var/lib/kubelet/kubeadm-flags.env on each affected node.
  2. Modify the --container-runtime-endpoint flag to unix:///var/run/cri-dockerd.sock.

The kubeadm tool stores the node's socket as an annotation on the Node object in the control plane. To modify this socket for each affected node:

  1. Edit the YAML representation of the Node object:

    KUBECONFIG=/path/to/admin.conf kubectl edit no <NODE_NAME>

    Replace the following:

    • /path/to/admin.conf: the path to the kubectl configuration file, admin.conf.
    • <NODE_NAME>: the name of the node you want to modify.
  2. Change from /var/run/dockershim.sock to unix:///var/run/cri-dockerd.sock.

  3. Save the changes. The Node object is updated on save.

Restart the kubelet

systemctl restart kubelet

Verify that the node is healthy

To check whether the node uses the cri-dockerd endpoint, follow the instructions in Find out which runtime you use. The --container-runtime-endpoint flag for the kubelet should be unix:///var/run/cri-dockerd.sock.

Uncordon the node

Uncordon the node to let Pods schedule on it:

kubectl uncordon <NODE_NAME>

What's next

3 - Find Out What Container Runtime is Used on a Node

This page outlines steps to find out what container runtime the nodes in your cluster use.

Depending on the way you run your cluster, the container runtime for the nodes may have been pre-configured or you need to configure it. If you're using a managed Kubernetes service, there might be vendor-specific ways to check what container runtime is configured for the nodes. The method described on this page should work whenever the execution of kubectl is allowed.

Before you begin

Install and configure kubectl. See Install Tools section for details.

Find out the container runtime used on a Node

Use kubectl to fetch and show node information:

kubectl get nodes -o wide

The output is similar to the following. The column CONTAINER-RUNTIME outputs the runtime and its version.

For Docker Engine, the output is similar to this:

node-1       Ready    v1.16.15   docker://19.3.1
node-2       Ready    v1.16.15   docker://19.3.1
node-3       Ready    v1.16.15   docker://19.3.1

If your runtime shows as Docker Engine, you still might not be affected by the removal of dockershim in Kubernetes 1.24. Check the runtime endpoint to see if you use dockershim. If you don't use dockershim, you aren't affected.

For containerd, the output is similar to this:

node-1       Ready    v1.19.6   containerd://1.4.1
node-2       Ready    v1.19.6   containerd://1.4.1
node-3       Ready    v1.19.6   containerd://1.4.1

Find out more information about container runtimes on Container Runtimes page.

Find out what container runtime endpoint you use

The container runtime talks to the kubelet over a Unix socket using the CRI protocol, which is based on the gRPC framework. The kubelet acts as a client, and the runtime acts as the server. In some cases, you might find it useful to know which socket your nodes use. For example, with the removal of dockershim in Kubernetes 1.24 and later, you might want to know whether you use Docker Engine with dockershim.

You can check which socket you use by checking the kubelet configuration on your nodes.

  1. Read the starting commands for the kubelet process:

    tr \\0 ' ' < /proc/"$(pgrep kubelet)"/cmdline

    If you don't have tr or pgrep, check the command line for the kubelet process manually.

  2. In the output, look for the --container-runtime flag and the --container-runtime-endpoint flag.

    • If your nodes use Kubernetes v1.23 and earlier and these flags aren't present or if the --container-runtime flag is not remote, you use the dockershim socket with Docker Engine.
    • If the --container-runtime-endpoint flag is present, check the socket name to find out which runtime you use. For example, unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock is the containerd endpoint.

If you use Docker Engine with the dockershim, migrate to a different runtime, or, if you want to continue using Docker Engine in v1.24 and later, migrate to a CRI-compatible adapter like cri-dockerd.

4 - Check whether Dockershim deprecation affects you

The dockershim component of Kubernetes allows to use Docker as a Kubernetes's container runtime. Kubernetes' built-in dockershim component was deprecated in release v1.20.

This page explains how your cluster could be using Docker as a container runtime, provides details on the role that dockershim plays when in use, and shows steps you can take to check whether any workloads could be affected by dockershim deprecation.

Finding if your app has a dependencies on Docker

If you are using Docker for building your application containers, you can still run these containers on any container runtime. This use of Docker does not count as a dependency on Docker as a container runtime.

When alternative container runtime is used, executing Docker commands may either not work or yield unexpected output. This is how you can find whether you have a dependency on Docker:

  1. Make sure no privileged Pods execute Docker commands (like docker ps), restart the Docker service (commands such as systemctl restart docker.service), or modify Docker-specific files such as /etc/docker/daemon.json.
  2. Check for any private registries or image mirror settings in the Docker configuration file (like /etc/docker/daemon.json). Those typically need to be reconfigured for another container runtime.
  3. Check that scripts and apps running on nodes outside of your Kubernetes infrastructure do not execute Docker commands. It might be:
    • SSH to nodes to troubleshoot;
    • Node startup scripts;
    • Monitoring and security agents installed on nodes directly.
  4. Third-party tools that perform above mentioned privileged operations. See Migrating telemetry and security agents from dockershim for more information.
  5. Make sure there is no indirect dependencies on dockershim behavior. This is an edge case and unlikely to affect your application. Some tooling may be configured to react to Docker-specific behaviors, for example, raise alert on specific metrics or search for a specific log message as part of troubleshooting instructions. If you have such tooling configured, test the behavior on test cluster before migration.

Dependency on Docker explained

A container runtime is software that can execute the containers that make up a Kubernetes pod. Kubernetes is responsible for orchestration and scheduling of Pods; on each node, the kubelet uses the container runtime interface as an abstraction so that you can use any compatible container runtime.

In its earliest releases, Kubernetes offered compatibility with one container runtime: Docker. Later in the Kubernetes project's history, cluster operators wanted to adopt additional container runtimes. The CRI was designed to allow this kind of flexibility - and the kubelet began supporting CRI. However, because Docker existed before the CRI specification was invented, the Kubernetes project created an adapter component, dockershim. The dockershim adapter allows the kubelet to interact with Docker as if Docker were a CRI compatible runtime.

You can read about it in Kubernetes Containerd integration goes GA blog post.

Dockershim vs. CRI with Containerd

Switching to Containerd as a container runtime eliminates the middleman. All the same containers can be run by container runtimes like Containerd as before. But now, since containers schedule directly with the container runtime, they are not visible to Docker. So any Docker tooling or fancy UI you might have used before to check on these containers is no longer available.

You cannot get container information using docker ps or docker inspect commands. As you cannot list containers, you cannot get logs, stop containers, or execute something inside container using docker exec.

You can still pull images or build them using docker build command. But images built or pulled by Docker would not be visible to container runtime and Kubernetes. They needed to be pushed to some registry to allow them to be used by Kubernetes.

What's next

5 - Migrating telemetry and security agents from dockershim

Kubernetes' support for direct integration with Docker Engine is deprecated, and will be removed. Most apps do not have a direct dependency on runtime hosting containers. However, there are still a lot of telemetry and monitoring agents that has a dependency on docker to collect containers metadata, logs and metrics. This document aggregates information on how to detect these dependencies and links on how to migrate these agents to use generic tools or alternative runtimes.

Telemetry and security agents

Within a Kubernetes cluster there are a few different ways to run telemetry or security agents. Some agents have a direct dependency on Docker Engine when they as DaemonSets or directly on nodes.

Why do some telemetry agents communicate with Docker Engine?

Historically, Kubernetes was written to work specifically with Docker Engine. Kubernetes took care of networking and scheduling, relying on Docker Engine for launching and running containers (within Pods) on a node. Some information that is relevant to telemetry, such as a pod name, is only available from Kubernetes components. Other data, such as container metrics, is not the responsibility of the container runtime. Early telemetry agents needed to query the container runtime and Kubernetes to report an accurate picture. Over time, Kubernetes gained the ability to support multiple runtimes, and now supports any runtime that is compatible with the container runtime interface.

Some telemetry agents rely specifically on Docker Engine tooling. For example, an agent might run a command such as docker ps or docker top to list containers and processes or docker logs to receive streamed logs. If nodes in your existing cluster use Docker Engine, and you switch to a different container runtime, these commands will not work any longer.

Identify DaemonSets that depend on Docker Engine

If a pod wants to make calls to the dockerd running on the node, the pod must either:

  • mount the filesystem containing the Docker daemon's privileged socket, as a volume; or
  • mount the specific path of the Docker daemon's privileged socket directly, also as a volume.

For example: on COS images, Docker exposes its Unix domain socket at /var/run/docker.sock This means that the pod spec will include a hostPath volume mount of /var/run/docker.sock.

Here's a sample shell script to find Pods that have a mount directly mapping the Docker socket. This script outputs the namespace and name of the pod. You can remove the grep '/var/run/docker.sock' to review other mounts.

kubectl get pods --all-namespaces \
-o=jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{"\n"}{.metadata.namespace}{":\t"}{}{":\t"}{range .spec.volumes[*]}{.hostPath.path}{", "}{end}{end}' \
| sort \
| grep '/var/run/docker.sock'

Detecting Docker dependency from node agents

In case your cluster nodes are customized and install additional security and telemetry agents on the node, make sure to check with the vendor of the agent whether it has dependency on Docker.

Telemetry and security agent vendors

We keep the work in progress version of migration instructions for various telemetry and security agent vendors in Google doc. Please contact the vendor to get up to date instructions for migrating from dockershim.